1. ASUS A43S/ Windows 7 x64
2. Kinect SDK 1.6 + Example SkeletonBasic-WPF
3. Eyeball display and motion WPF class
4. Eyeball rotate angle = headJoint.Position.X * 80
if (skel.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
Joint headJoint = skel.Joints[JointType.Head];
SkeletonPoint headPoint = headJoint.Position;
string message = string.Format("Head: X:{0:0.0} Y:{1:0.0} Z:{2:0.0}", headPoint.X,
headPoint.Y, headPoint.Z);
EyeBall.RoLR.Angle = headJoint.Position.X * 80;
5. 程式下載
6. Storyboard.Stop may not function when the Storyboard.Begin(this, w/o true).
if (IsAnimation)
IsAnimation = false;
IsAnimation = true;
ST.Begin(this, true);
7. Revise version
7.1 Alt+T : Start/Stop to generate a random angle with 500 ms period.
7.2 Alt+A: Start/Stop Animation from 35 to 105.
8. 程式下載。